Thursday, November 7, 2019

MELT Batignolles

Transilien: Line L ou J Pont Cardinet
Subway: La Fourche line 13
Address: 83 rue Legendre, 75017 Paris
Hours: : Everyday from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm
              And from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Price: Starting at 10 euros (side 6 euros)
Website and other Locations:

Okay, I get it. You're thinking why on earth going to a Texan BBQ when you're in Paris? It's like a crime.  First of all, let me bring you back to 17 years ago. It was the first time my husband came to France. He had heard about French cuisine for so long and was so excited to try a "real" Parisian restaurant. I felt like I was on a mission to show him how wonderful my country was and that we had the best of the best food in the world like a true French, right? Well, it didn't go as planned and it turned out to be the WORST restaurant EVER. To this day, we haven't found worse. So much for a first good impression. That just opened the gate for a lifelong source of perpetual teasing about French food. Since he has been a good sport and tried Escargots, foie gras and all kinds of smelly cheeses but he's just not that into it. I know, there lies the real crime. So I thought I should also be a good sport and take him to a real Texas BBQ restaurant. Pat on the back!

MELT is the real deal. They smoke their meat for 15 hours and let me tell you, when you walk in it just smells like heaven. My husband was literally jumping up and down, salivating like he had been starving for years and finally found something eatable!

Spare ribs called our name. My 3 years old kept saying more, more, more! For once, my husband had nothing to say because he was so focused on his meal. I just adored the cornbread, so so good, the BBQ sauce (divine) and the crispiness, yet melting in your mouth ribs. It truly earned its name.

We were stuffed and happy. We started talking about celebrating Thanksgiving there and felt like we were back in the good ol' USA! Also kudos for the waiters who actually smiled and looked happy (so not French)! Also we didn't try it but I thought it was funny (maybe it's common but never heard about it, let me know in the comments): the Pickle Back which is a drink made with pickle juice and a real Texan shot.

Sorry, the picture is not so good... I just couldn't wait to try it and at that point , I just didn't care much about taking a good picture of my food!

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